06 March 2019

15 things that I Love about You

Today, there is one of Facebook status posted by my senior that touched my heart. It was about things that you love about your spouse. They already married for 8 years since university. Sweet couple with 3 beautiful children.

So, here I wanted to list 15 things that I Love about You; My Husband 💓

  1. You keep me safe like a garment
  2. You kiss my forehead
  3. You say I'm beautiful even though I feel like a mess
  4. You send random I Love You messages 
  5. You make stories more entertaining when you share it 
  6. You can admit if you're wrong and don't mind to say sorry
  7. You allow me to pursue my dreams
  8. You share what you learn from your patients when you get home
  9. You don't mind when I don't cook for dinner
  10. You compliment my cooking even though it didn't turn out the way I hoped it would
  11. You cook for me sometimes
  12. You finish up the food that I don't like
  13. You listen when I feel like venting
  14. You make decisions when I can't 
  15. You complete me

I love you my husband 💕
May Allah grant us happiness with this marriage till Jannah. InshaaAllah .

lol my first entry in 3 years time. haha